Saturday, April 18, 2009

Online Promotion Tips

If you're having trouble promoting your products in a bad market, you have to start to figure out ways to market them to increase the demand for them. One way is to create an exclusive aura that appeals to people who are status seekers. This doesn't just work with high income demographics, although that is generally where it is used, but it also can appeal to middle-income people who want to upgrade their image by taking part in exclusive products and offerings - This is Why Exclusivity Sells!

Think Cars

Would you rather been seen driving a value Honda or a classy BMW? Well, if you're like most people, the car that you would prefer, if you had the money, would be the BMW. Is it because a BMW is such a unique car that no other car in the world can come close to it? Probably not, at least not in the minds of those people who opt for it. It has more to do with the instant association of wealth and status that driving a BMW confers. They even are referred to affectionately a “beemers” that have such an impact on class consciousness. Well, there is no reason you can't create the same aura of exclusivity around your products and services to help you market them more.

Friday, April 17, 2009

How to Survive a Recession

Recessions happen and you can see it and take the appropriate steps before it is too late. Here are a few tips you should know about to help you survive.

1. If you happen to be in debt, get out as quickly as possible by finding ways to pay for it. If ever you need help, hire a financial consultant who can help you with your budget.

2. We have to pay the bills. Instead of just paying for them, perhaps you should see if you can switch to another company that offers cheaper rates. Take a look at your electricity, gas, mobile phone, television broadband package, insurance and even your bank account then make the necessary changes.

3. You should also make cuts on daily spending. When you go to the grocery, buy only what is necessary or switch to a cheaper brand. If there are items in promo, get it because they could be just as good or even better to what you are used to buying.

4. One thing that every grocery always is people offering free samples. Since you are there, get some as this will surely save you a few dollars for other more important items. If the grocery you frequent gives out vouchers, make use of it as well.

5. Do you always have to go out for lunch when you are at the office? Of course not. You can prepare the food at home and then take it to work. Your kids should also have a lunch bag instead of getting their weekly allowance so even at a young age, they understand the current situation.

6. If possible, ask your employer if you can do some of the work at home. This will help you save gas since you don’t have to drive to work. Just be sure you are as productive at home like you are in the office. If this is not possible, see if you can carpool with someone from the office.

7. Owning a large vehicle may sound cool but since it is a gas guzzler, perhaps it is time to trade this in with a smaller one. The advantage of a smaller car is that you don’t burn that much gas so you don’t have to spend that much when it is time to refuel the tank.

8. You can cut down your electricity expenses by replacing the bulbs to those that use lower wattage. You may also want to put the heater down by one degree, re insulated the ceiling and stop drafts coming from the windows and doors.

9. Cutting down expenses is just one way to survive a recession. You can make money from it by selling some old stuff or renting a spare room.

10. If your work is not stable, perhaps you should consider switching to a career that will ensure better job security for the long term. One way is to go back to school.

11. For those who have money to spare, invest in long term investments such as stocks or bonds. Their value will go up once the recession is over.

A recession lasts for months so you have to know what to do when it happens. Your ability to stay financially stable is the only way for you to deal with a possible loss of income and inflated prices.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Don't Quit

"When things go wrong as they sometimes will
When the road you're trudging seems all up hill.
When funds are low and the debts are high.
And you want to smile, but you have to sigh.
When care is pressing you down a bit.
Rest, if you must, but don't you quit.
Life is queer with its twists and turns.
As everyone of us sometimes learns.
And many a failure turns about
When he might have won had he stuck it out:
Don't give up though the pace seems slow - You may succeed with another blow.
Success is failure turned inside out - The silver tint of the clouds of doubt.
And you never can tell how close you are.
It may be near when it seems so far: So stick to the fight when you're hardest hit
It's when things seem worst that you must not QUIT.

Author unknown Distributed
compliments of Brian Tracy

What to Do During a Recession ?

Setting up an emergency fund will be very useful especially when there is a recession. This will enable you to survive several months without worrying if you still have money to buy stuff especially when there is a slowdown.But when it hits you, cleaning up your balance sheet is just one way to survive the financial crisis. To help you along, here are a few other ideas which you may find useful.

In 2008, the unemployment rate grew by 6.1%, its highest level in 5 years. The last time it hit this mark was in 2003 as the economy was still recovering from the 2000-2001 recession. These job cuts happened in the airline, travel, retail and service industry just to name a few. If you happen to work in one of these industries, you should probably consider a career shift to an occupation that is more stable even if it means going back to school.

Going to school is not an option if you are raising a family. The next best thing to do will be take an extra job. Just make sure that the time you spend here does not affect your primary job otherwise, you could lose it.

Most Americans have invested in the stock market and if you are one of them, don’t panic and think about selling it just because things are down. You have to remember that a recession is cyclical so your portfolio will recover in the future. You just have to be patient because it is going to take several months before everything is back to normal. But if you do have the money, now is the best time to buy stocks and bonds. Why? Because these are relatively cheap and you can cash it in when the economy is back on track.

Apart from going back to school and getting a second job, perhaps you can use your skills and then offer this as a service to others. If you like to cook, make some pastries and then sell these to potential stores. If you are good with your hands, maybe you can help repair leaks should your neighbor have a problem with their plumbing.If you own an SUV, trade it in for a small vehicle because you get better mileage with a smaller car. If you have the money, see if you can get one that is a hybrid because apart from consuming less gas, you get tax breaks for investing in alternative forms of energy.

When you go to the grocery, only buy the essentials. Resist the urge to buy things that the kids want. If you can’t say no, try to get a similar brand that is just as good as what they want. Lastly, we all have bills to pay monthly. If possible, switch to better and more affordable services because each penny counts during these dire times.

There are other ways to survive a recession apart from those mentioned. By following these tips and getting advice from a financial planner, you are sure to wither out this storm. Until that day comes, you shouldn’t live in fear but rather make the most of it because this isn’t the first time that you will face a recession and it surely won’t be the last.

The Blog

Before you even start to create you own blog. It is necessary to know what blog really is. The term blog is actually derived from the word Weblog or Web log.Back in the days, around the late 1990’s, these Weblogs are utilized by users to track updates and references to other resources online. They served as journals, which made them useful as a publishing tool for the user’s stream of consciousness. Of course, the readers can still comment and share their thoughts on just abut anything under the sun.
Technically, blogs are also known as CMS or Content Management Systems. Being a CMS, blogs allow the writers to easily publish to a specific Web site and manage the content without the need of having to deal with the program code. Publishing software also provides users with a GUI or Graphical User Interface for easy pointing and clicking of their articles.Through the use of easy-to-do procedures, you can perform configuration and set up, which can ease your job as a blogger since the tool can automatically organize your published articles the next time you publish.